Thursday, September 11, 2008
中秋节是我国的传统佳节,与春节、端午、清明并称为中国汉族的四大传统节日。据史籍记载,古代帝王有春天祭日、秋天祭月的礼制,“中秋”一词最早出现在《周礼》 一书;直至唐朝初年,中秋节才成为固定的节日,《唐书·太宗记》记载有“八月十五中秋节”;中秋节的盛行则始于宋朝。
Mid-Autumn Festival is China's traditional festival, and the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Ching Ming of China's four major traditional Chinese festivals. According to historical records records, the emperors of ancient spring Etiquette is, at the autumn festival on the system, "Moonlight" word first appeared in "Zhou Li," a book; until the early Tang Dynasty, to become fixed in the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, "Tang Shu Tai Zong Ji" records the day; August 15 Mid-Autumn Festival "is the prevalence of the Mid-Autumn Festival began in the Sung Dynasty.

节期为农历八月十五,是日恰逢三秋之 半,故名“中秋节”,也叫“仲秋节”;又因这个节日在秋季、八月,故又称“秋节”、“八月节”“八月会”;又有祈求团圆的信仰和相关节俗活动,故亦称“团 圆节”、“女儿节”。因中秋节的主要活动都是围绕“月”进行的,所以又俗称“月节”“月夕”“追月节”“玩月节”“拜月节”;在唐朝,中秋节还被称为“端 正月”。
Lunar New Year Festival period of August 15, is a half-day coincides with San-Qiu, Gu Ming, "Mid-Autumn Festival", also known as "Zhongqiu Festival"; because of this festival in the autumn, August, is also known as the "Autumn Festival," " Ba Yuejie "" August "; have to pray for the reunion of popular belief and related activities, is also known as" Tuan Yuanjie, "" daughter Festival. " The main activities for the Mid-Autumn Festival are on the "Yuanjie", therefore, also commonly known as the "Festival," "Yue Xi," "recovery of Festival", "Wan Yue Festival", "Bai Yue Jie"; in the Tang Dynasty, was also the Mid-Autumn Festival Known as the "Duan Zheng Yue."
关于中秋节的起源,大致有三种:起源于古代对月的崇拜、月下歌舞觅偶的习俗、是古代秋报拜土地神的遗俗。 此外,中秋节还是是中国全民性的重大节日,不但汉族过中秋节,侗族、苗族、壮族、傣族、黎族、满族、朝鲜族、高山族等20多个少数民族也过中秋节。
Mid-Autumn Festival on the origin, generally there are three: the origin of ancient worship, even on the dance to find the custom is to worship the ancient land of God fall on the left customs. In addition, the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival or the people of the major festivals, not only the Han Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, the Dong, Miao, Zhuang, Dai, Li, Man, Korean, Gaoshan Zu, and other minorities have been over 20 Mid-Autumn Festival.
Reference: http://baike.baidu.com/view/2568.htm
Posted by: 谦颖 (Qianying.)